Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing
Crystal healing is a type of therapy which involves placing gemstones on the body in nearby places to help draw out negative energy. Crystals are tools which work with your energy field to absorb, focus and direct energies.
Some of the benefits include:
Stimulate, activate and energize chakras
Encourage creative skills to flow
Relieves fear, anxiety and depression
Improves focus
Aids in sleep
Beneficial effects on nervous, digestive and immune systems
Promotes peace, happiness and contentment
Balances emotions
Encourages personal growth
Assists in breaking unwanted ties and patterns
Increases circulation
Brings a sense of clarity and calm
Assists in communication
Brings inspiration
Strengthens intuition and understanding
Chakra Alignment Treatments with align the chakras as well as cleanses and charges each energy center. A personalized Crystal Healing treatment works with the client to help alleviate symptoms from a specific issue they are having. (eg. Lack of self love, or depression). I will formulate a specialized layout specifically for the client using crystals geared towards their personal issue.